Worry-Free Life

For the first time in my life I really am a worry-free person. I am filled with trust and confidence about "here and now", and the future. Since failure has not been my option for quite some time I have such inner peace and It really feels good... but this is not only about me... Living by example for others that are in contact with me, who learn how dramatically my life has changed - now such experience is truly worth living.
We can reach far and high with right attitude.
What not so long ago seemed to me as absurd and risky now seem to me normal and right. If you want to live a worry-free life you must apply three basic elements in your life:
1. Patience,
2. Trust, and
3. Acceptance.
The first two are self-explanatory but the third one refers to moments when things we expect or desire don't always become reality in our life. In situations like that we must to accept it with belief that it simply was not meant to be. Then we must apply element number one and two while waiting for right things to arrive at our feet.
Remember, things we want or desire are not always good for us and the Universe knows best what we can and what we cannot handle. So instead of getting upset and being angry at the entire Universe because we did not get what we wanted, just ACCEPT it peacefully - and with a smile - then PATIENTLY - and with TRUST - wait for what the Universe has in store to offer you. 
Sending my love to all readers --

"Spirituality And Versatility In Action!"


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