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"Sunburst" by Paul Hedderman |
On January 3rd 2012 I will be celebrating the One-Year Anniversary of my Personal and Spiritual Epiphany. This sudden realization of who I am and where I belong was triggered by an associate of mine – Darnell McGee aka DigoRockztar - and a chain of unexpected events. After seven long years of creative lethargy I was awakened by a very simple truth that dwells inside of each of us: My own genius. The following day “thoughts were rushing through my mind in struggle to be unleashed” and random concepts and views started pouring out of me, which today I am so glad that I have recorded. These opinions of mine have never been published on this blog. They represent the very first week of my “creative detonation”, if I may call it this way, that finally got reactivated giving me a much clearer comprehension and insight on issues that I have been for years struggling with consciously and subconsciously. Here they are:
There is nothing more exulting than being noticed and recognized by another fellow artist. Thank you, Darnell.
Unspoken thoughts chased by each other are rushing through my mind in struggle to be unleashed from the depth of the treasury of my soul in great desire to surface above mediocre reality of my complex yet so simple life.
These past twenty-four hours of my life were such incredible life learning experience for me! I've learned more about myself than ever! I finally fully recognized my own talents and abilities, believed in myself, rose above myself and took my own challenge. Who knew that it would take one incredibly talented artist to unveil these so obvious things to me in such simple way? I am experiencing a total epiphany!
Things that I've always known about myself but never paid too much attention to suddenly became alive and vivid in my humble life. I got hit with a large intellectual meteorite and this time I will not stop pursuing my dreams. This time I will not let anyone undermine my skills, belittle my talents, and demean my genius. Once again President Obama indirectly changed somebody's life and opened new door to a better future.
Some people are like a prison ball... they hold you back from progressing in life.
Yesterday I finally understood that my Elementary and High School teachers were purposely trying to bring my genius down.
Some people are remembered as great artists, some as great performers but very few are remembered as both...
I decided to be who I was supposed to be at birth... Myself.
By dismissing me you remove yourself from the privilege of being my friend. When you reject me I may feel losing once-and-then... but you will feel lost without me forever…
New Year started for me on a very interesting and a positive note. For a change my "New Year Resolution" was something that came to me in my most recent revelation thus is natural... not fabricated or forced upon me. I can feel already that 2011 will definitely be a better year for me and those connected to me. I feel dramatic change... a transformation... Better times are coming my way! Eureka! :)
Only my true friends would feel happy about my most recent realization, personal self-improvement goals, my new direction in life and positive hope to succeed in it. For those that made derogatory or negative comments directly or indirectly, I only have one thing to say: GROW UP, LOVE YOURSELF AND STOP HATING OTHERS!
Those that intentionally hurt me, in a final effect hurt themselves!
It is a true art to keep cool after receiving a bad news, especially while facing its giver.I feel so inspired today... It looks like the journey to my new dimension continues and it's just getting better with every passing day, every passing hour, every passing minute...
After countless fiascos encountered in the "Love Department" I still believe in a triumph! I refuse to be lonely. I refuse to be jaded. I refuse to give up. As long as I am alive my heart will never stop spreading the most superior of all sentiments - my unconditional love. :)
If my smile depends on your smile then your smile depends on mine... What a beautiful circle... :)
Like fire without fuel won't burn, love without affection won't go on...
Imagination as though it usually serves us a great purpose at times can be a very dangerous place. Use it wisely.
Before I enhance my reputation I need to uphold it. I need to liberate myself to the fullest extent... Feel no fear!
Misunderstandings that occur between people often are caused by a simple fact: They attempt to understand each other by looking through their own prism of life.
Self-indulging is not what I do often... sometimes - however - a wakeup call is necessary to eliminate a bad habit once and for all. This is yet another positive step in my spiritual growth.
I am done with the "cloud ride". Illusions I have no more. Realism - welcome back.
Some people are just like phantasmagoria - they rapidly change while adjusting to different situations or being around certain people. Stay away from those, they can be very dangerous…
It is almost unbelievable how certain people use false pretext and reversed psychology to deceive, confuse and manipulate unblemished souls that are of pure heart. Their actions become anticlimactic to such extent that regardless of their lofty words or noble deeds they still remain transparent and conspicuously corrupt.
As much as I appreciate my recent discoveries about myself and the innovation of my lifestyle that is shift-shaping my future are proving to be a real challenge. I need to stop using old values while making my way in a "new" world.
Persistent heart leads to success.
"Spirituality And Versatility In Action!"
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