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Prince Alex |
After one week break (I had visitors from Europe staying with me) it is time for me to get back to my creative activities. But earlier today I was really bummed down. When I woke up I went to my study room (my Studio) and right off I realized that something terribly went wrong. I was very tired early this morning thus a bit careless, and after I sent off "the kids" to the airport I forgot to close the window in my Studio. And of course fate had it that the rain started pouring while I was resting and it flooded about 10 of my unframed photographs and 4 framed ones that I kept under my windowsill for the upcoming exhibit.
Oh, there's nothing more depressing but seeing your own art being damaged or destroyed. Anyway, after couple hours of sulking "I got up, dusted it off" and decided to try it again. This minor setback will not stop me from proceeding forward with my exhibition in June. So, I am back! I really wish I had a real sponsor for all this since I have been investing in my art and the upcoming Show from my already almost empty pocket. To reprint these photographs I gotta buy color cartridges and photo paper and these things are not cheap at all. But I know somehow I'll manage. I know that the Universe will not let me down. :) And this evening I will continue painting my oils. Yes, I'm feeling strong and intrepid! :)
Spirituality And Versatility In Action™
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