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Today's reflections...
My late best friend Everal Fisher said once to me - "Life is happening all around you... be a part of it" - and this is exactly what I have been trying to do for the past 3 years. Although it's not always easy for me to live out his legacy but I am convinced now more than ever that it is absolutely and exclusively up to us where we wanna be in life, how we want to participate in it, and how we want to feel about ourselves each day.
Today is passing another sad anniversary (a fifth one!) since my good friend, and at one point even my college time sweetheart - Julita Kononiuk - departed from this World into the Eternity.

Today is a day of reflections. Day of memories. Day to ponder about life - how short, unpredictable yet precious it is. One year after Julita's passing her mother wrote a letter to me, in which she encouraged me to live my life to the fullest since none of us know when it may end and be gone for ever.
Julitka... You are definitely greatly missed, girl! May you rest in peace...
Alex Lutomirski-Kolacz
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